diff options
3 files changed, 74 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index a3d3805..7b94998 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -145,6 +145,10 @@ vicious.widgets.mdir
- takes the full path to the Maildir structure as an argument
+ - provides count of new and subject of last e-mail in a Gmail inbox
+ - takes a table with Gmail login information as an argument
- provides available system entropy
- takes the poolsize as an argument, or fallbacks to Linux 2.6
@@ -153,7 +157,7 @@ vicious.widgets.entropy
- provides agenda statistics for Emacs org-mode
- takes a table with full paths to agenda files, that will be
- included, as an argument
+ parsed, as an argument
- provides number of pending updates on Arch Linux
@@ -187,8 +191,12 @@ Format functions
You can use a function instead of a string as the format parameter, so
you are able to check the value returned by the widget type and change
-it. You can change the color of a widget, i.e. on low battery, or hide
-widgets when they return a certain value, or...
+it. You can change the color of the battery widget when it goes below
+a certain point, or hide widgets when they return a certain value,
+ - do not confuse this with just coloring the widget, in those cases
+ standard markup can be inserted into the format string
The format function will get the widget as its first argument, and a
table with the values otherwise inserted into the format string as its
@@ -264,6 +272,13 @@ Mbox widget
- executed every 240 seconds, provides full path to the mbox as an
+Gmail widget
+ gmailwidget = widget({ type = 'textbox', name = 'gmailwidget' })
+ vicious.register(gmailwidget, vicious.widgets.gmail, 'Mail: ${count}', 600, {'user', 'pass'})
+ - executed every 10 minutes, provides a table with login information
+ as an argument, prepends "Mail: " to the returned value
All other widgets are used in the same manner, read each widget you
are interested in to see what data it returns. You can also use
diff --git a/gmail.lua b/gmail.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98fb40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gmail.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+-- Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
+-- * Copyright (C) 2009 Adrian C. <anrxc_sysphere_org>
+-- {{{ Grab environment
+local io = { popen = io.popen }
+local setmetatable = setmetatable
+local helpers = require("vicious.helpers")
+-- }}}
+-- Gmail: provides count of new and subject of last e-mail in a Gmail inbox
+-- {{{ Gmail widget type
+local function worker(format, login)
+ -- Initialise tables
+ local mail = {
+ ["{count}"] = "0",
+ ["{subject}"] = "N/A"
+ }
+ -- Todo: find a safer way to do this
+ local auth = login[1] .. ":" .. login[2]
+ -- Get info from the Gmail atom feed
+ local f = io.popen("curl --max-time 3 -fsu "..auth.." https://mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom")
+ -- Could be huge don't read it all at once, info we are after is at the top
+ for line in f:lines() do
+ mail["{count}"] = line:match("<fullcount>([%d]+)</fullcount>") or mail["{count}"]
+ -- Find subject tags
+ local title = line:match("<title>(.*)</title>")
+ -- If the subject changed then break out of the loop
+ if title ~= nil and -- Ignore the feed title
+ title ~= "Gmail - Inbox for "..login[1].."@gmail.com" then
+ -- Spam sanitize the subject
+ title = helpers.escape(title)
+ -- Don't abuse the wibox, truncate, then store
+ mail["{subject}"] = helpers.truncate(title, 22)
+ -- By this point we have the count, it comes before
+ -- messages and always matches, at least 0
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ f:close()
+ return mail
+-- }}}
+setmetatable(_M, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
index 807df4a..bf22918 100644
--- a/init.lua
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ require("vicious.wifi")