--------------------------------------------------- -- Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2 -- * (c) 2010, Adrian C. --------------------------------------------------- -- {{{ Grab environment local tonumber = tonumber local setmetatable = setmetatable local string = { match = string.match } local helpers = require("vicious.helpers") -- }}} -- Cpufreq: provides freq, voltage and governor info for a requested CPU module("vicious.widgets.cpufreq") -- {{{ CPU frequency widget type local function worker(format, cpuid) local cpufreq = helpers.pathtotable("/sys/devices/system/cpu/"..cpuid.."/cpufreq") local governor_state = { ["ondemand\n"] = "↯", ["powersave\n"] = "⌁", ["userspace\n"] = "¤", ["performance\n"] = "⚡", ["conservative\n"] = "↯" } -- Default voltage values local voltage = { v = "N/A", mv = "N/A" } -- Get the current frequency local freq = tonumber(cpufreq.scaling_cur_freq) -- Calculate MHz and GHz local freqmhz = freq / 1000 local freqghz = freqmhz / 1000 -- Get the current voltage if cpufreq.scaling_voltages then voltage.mv = tonumber(string.match(cpufreq.scaling_voltages, freq.."[%s]([%d]+)")) -- Calculate voltage from mV voltage.v = voltage.mv / 1000 end -- Get the current governor local governor = cpufreq.scaling_governor -- Represent the governor as a symbol governor = governor_state[governor] or governor return {freqmhz, freqghz, voltage.mv, voltage.v, governor} end -- }}} setmetatable(_M, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })