---------------------------------------------------------- -- Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 -- * Copyright (C) 2009 Adrian C. ---------------------------------------------------------- -- {{{ Grab environment local io = { popen = io.popen } local setmetatable = setmetatable local math = { floor = math.floor } local string = { match = string.match } -- }}} -- Weather: provides weather information for a requested station module("vicious.weather") -- {{{ Weather widget type local function worker(format, station) -- US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration -- * Station (ICAO) codes: http://www.rap.ucar.edu/weather/surface/stations.txt local noaa = "http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/decoded/" -- Get info from a weather station local f = io.popen("curl --connect-timeout 1 -fsm 3 "..noaa..station..".TXT") local ws = f:read("*all") f:close() -- Setup tables local weather = { -- Some of the weather symbols would look nice if prepended to -- the final output, but it is up to the user to do that -- * http://www.alanwood.net/unicode/miscellaneous_symbols.html ["{city}"] = "N/A", ["{wind}"] = "N/A", ["{windmph}"] = "N/A", ["{windkmh}"] = "N/A", ["{sky}"] = "N/A", ["{weather}"] = "N/A", ["{tempf}"] = "N/A", ["{tempc}"] = "N/A", ["{humid}"] = "N/A", ["{press}"] = "N/A" } -- Check if there was a timeout or a problem with the station if ws == nil then return weather else weather["{city}"] = -- City and/or area string.match(ws, "^(.+)%,.*%([%u]+%)") or weather["{city}"] weather["{wind}"] = -- Wind direction and degrees if available string.match(ws, "Wind:[%s][%a]+[%s][%a]+[%s](.+)[%s]at.+$") or weather["{wind}"] weather["{windmph}"] = -- Wind speed in MPH if available string.match(ws, "Wind:[%s].+[%s]at[%s]([%d]+)[%s]MPH") or weather["{windmph}"] weather["{sky}"] = -- Sky conditions if available string.match(ws, "Sky[%s]conditions:[%s](.-)[%c]") or weather["{sky}"] weather["{weather}"] = -- Weather conditions if available string.match(ws, "Weather:[%s](.-)[%c]") or weather["{weather}"] weather["{tempf}"] = -- Temperature in fahrenheit string.match(ws, "Temperature:[%s]([%d%.]+).*[%c]") or weather["{tempf}"] weather["{tempc}"] = -- Temperature in celsius string.match(ws, "Temperature:[%s][%d%.]+[%s]F[%s]%(([%d%.]+)[%s]C%)[%c]") or weather["{tempc}"] weather["{humid}"] = -- Relative humidity in percent string.match(ws, "Relative[%s]Humidity:[%s]([%d]+)%%") or weather["{humid}"] weather["{press}"] = -- Pressure in hPa string.match(ws, "Pressure[%s].+%((.+)[%s]hPa%)") or weather["{press}"] -- Wind speed in KMH if MPH was available if weather["{windmph}"] ~= "N/A" then weather["{windkmh}"] = math.floor(weather["{windmph}"] * 1.6) end end return weather end -- }}} setmetatable(_M, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })