--------------------------------------------------- -- Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2 -- * (c) 2010, Adrian C. --------------------------------------------------- -- {{{ Grab environment local type = type local tonumber = tonumber local io = { popen = io.popen } local setmetatable = setmetatable local string = { match = string.match } local helpers = require("vicious.helpers") -- }}} -- Gmail: provides count of new and subject of last e-mail on Gmail module("vicious.gmail") -- {{{ Variable definitions local rss = { inbox = { "https://mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom", "Gmail - Inbox for " }, unread = { "https://mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom/unread", "Gmail - Label 'unread' for " }, --labelname = { -- "https://mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom/labelname", -- "Gmail - Label 'labelname' for " --}, } -- Todo: safer storage, maybe hook into Kwallet local cfg = { user = "", -- user@gmail.com pass = "", -- users password feed = rss.unread -- default is all unread } -- }}} -- {{{ Gmail widget type local function worker(format, warg) local auth = cfg.user ..":".. cfg.pass local mail = { ["{count}"] = 0, ["{subject}"] = "N/A" } -- Get info from the Gmail atom feed local f = io.popen("curl --connect-timeout 1 -m 3 -fsu '"..auth.."' "..cfg.feed[1]) -- Could be huge don't read it all at once, info we are after is at the top for line in f:lines() do mail["{count}"] = -- Count comes before messages and matches at least 0 tonumber(string.match(line, "([%d]+)")) or mail["{count}"] -- Find subject tags local title = string.match(line, "(.*)") -- If the subject changed then break out of the loop if title ~= nil and title ~= cfg.feed[2] .. cfg.user then -- Check if we should scroll, or maybe truncate if warg then if type(warg) == "table" then title = helpers.scroll(title, warg[1], warg[2]) else title = helpers.truncate(title, warg) end end -- Spam sanitize the subject and store mail["{subject}"] = helpers.escape(title) break end end f:close() return mail end -- }}} setmetatable(_M, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })