#!/bin/bash # # /etc/rc.sysinit # . /etc/rc.conf . /etc/rc.d/functions echo " " printhl "Arch Linux\n" printhl "${C_H2}http://www.archlinux.org" printsep run_hook sysinit_start # export standard PATH (will be overridden later when /etc/profile is sourced, but is useful for UDev) export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" # mount /proc, /sys, /run, /dev, /run/lock, /dev/pts, /dev/shm (the api filesystems) mountpoint -q /proc || mount -n -t proc proc /proc -o nosuid,noexec,nodev mountpoint -q /sys || mount -n -t sysfs sys /sys -o nosuid,noexec,nodev mountpoint -q /run || mount -n -t tmpfs run /run -o mode=0755,size=10M,nosuid,nodev mountpoint -q /dev || mount -n -t devtmpfs udev /dev -o mode=0755,size=10M,nosuid &>/dev/null \ || mount -n -t tmpfs udev /dev -o mode=0755,size=10M,nosuid mkdir -p -m 1777 /run/lock mkdir -p /dev/{pts,shm} mountpoint -q /dev/pts || mount -n /dev/pts &>/dev/null \ || mount -n -t devpts devpts /dev/pts -o mode=0620,gid=5,nosuid,noexec mountpoint -q /dev/shm || mount -n /dev/shm &>/dev/null \ || mount -n -t tmpfs shm /dev/shm -o mode=1777,nosuid,nodev # remount root ro to allow for fsck later on, we remount now to # make sure nothing can open files rw on root which would block a remount findmnt / --options ro &>/dev/null || status "Mounting Root Read-Only" mount -n -o remount,ro / # start up our mini logger until syslog takes over minilogd bootlogd -p /run/bootlogd.pid HWCLOCK_PARAMS="--systz" case $HARDWARECLOCK in "") ;; UTC) HWCLOCK_PARAMS+=" --utc --noadjfile";; localtime) HWCLOCK_PARAMS+=" --localtime --noadjfile";; *) HWCLOCK_PARAMS="";; esac if [[ $HWCLOCK_PARAMS ]]; then # enable rtc access modprobe -q -a rtc-cmos rtc genrtc # If devtmpfs is used, the required RTC device already exists now # Otherwise, create whatever device is available if ! [[ -c /dev/rtc || -c /dev/rtc0 ]]; then for dev in /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/dev /sys/class/misc/rtc/dev; do [[ -e $dev ]] || continue IFS=: read -r major minor < "$dev" mknod /dev/rtc c $major $minor done fi # Adjust the system time for timezone offset if rtc is not in UTC # 1. Make creation time on udev nodes sane (FS#8665) # 2. Filesystem checks can depend on system time # 3. This will set the clock, if using non-UTC, off the last known # configured timezone. Any new timezone put in rc.conf is copied over at # a later time. # This also sets the kernel time zone. [[ -f /etc/localtime ]] && hwclock $HWCLOCK_PARAMS fi # Start/trigger UDev, load MODULES and settle UDev udevd_modprobe sysinit # bring up the loopback interface [[ -d /sys/class/net/lo ]] && status "Bringing up loopback interface" ip link set up dev lo # FakeRAID devices detection [[ $USEDMRAID = [Yy][Ee][Ss] && -x $(type -P dmraid) ]] && status "Activating FakeRAID arrays" dmraid -i -ay # BTRFS devices detection [[ $USEBTRFS = [Yy][Ee][Ss] && -x $(type -P btrfs) ]] && status "Activating BTRFS volumes" btrfs device scan activate_vgs # Set up non-root encrypted partition mappings if [[ -f /etc/crypttab && $CS ]] && grep -q ^[^#] /etc/crypttab; then modprobe -q dm-crypt 2>/dev/null stat_busy "Unlocking encrypted volumes:" do_unlock() { # $1 = requested name # $2 = source device # $3 = password # $4 = options stat_append "${1}.." local open=create a="$1" b="$2" failed=0 # Ordering of options is different if you are using LUKS vs. not. # Use ugly swizzling to deal with it. # isLuks only gives an exit code but no output to stdout or stderr. if $CS isLuks "$2" 2>/dev/null; then open=luksOpen a="$2" b="$1" fi case $3 in SWAP) local _overwriteokay=0 if [[ -b $2 && -r $2 ]]; then # This is DANGEROUS! If there is any known file system, # partition table, RAID or LVM volume on the device # we don't overwrite it. # # 'blkid' returns 2 if no valid signature has been found. # Only in this case we should allow overwriting the device. # # This sanity check _should_ be sufficient, but it might not. # This may cause dataloss if it is not used carefully. blkid -p "$2" &>/dev/null (( $? == 2 )) && _overwriteokay=1 fi if (( _overwriteokay == 0 )); then false elif $CS -d /dev/urandom $4 $open "$a" "$b" >/dev/null; then stat_append "creating swapspace.." mkswap -f -L $1 /dev/mapper/$1 >/dev/null fi;; ASK) printf "\nOpening '$1' volume:\n" $CS $4 $open "$a" "$b" < /dev/console;; /dev*) ckdev=${3%%:*} cka=${3#*:} ckb=${cka#*:} cka=${cka%:*} ckfile=/dev/ckfile ckdir=/dev/ckdir case ${cka} in *[!0-9]*) # Use a file on the device # cka is not numeric: cka=filesystem, ckb=path mkdir ${ckdir} mount -r -t ${cka} ${ckdev} ${ckdir} dd if=${ckdir}/${ckb} of=${ckfile} >/dev/null 2>&1 umount ${ckdir} rmdir ${ckdir};; *) # Read raw data from the block device # cka is numeric: cka=offset, ckb=length dd if=${ckdev} of=${ckfile} bs=1 skip=${cka} count=${ckb} >/dev/null 2>&1;; esac $CS -d ${ckfile} $4 $open "$a" "$b" >/dev/null dd if=/dev/urandom of=${ckfile} bs=1 count=$(stat -c %s ${ckfile}) conv=notrunc >/dev/null 2>&1 rm ${ckfile};; /*) $CS -d "$3" $4 $open "$a" "$b" >/dev/null;; *) echo "$3" | $CS $4 $open "$a" "$b" >/dev/null;; esac if (( $? )); then failed=1 stat_append "failed " else stat_append "ok " fi return $failed } crypto_unlocked=0 if read_crypttab do_unlock; then stat_done else stat_fail fi if (( crypto_unlocked == 1 )); then # Maybe someone has LVM on an encrypted block device activate_vgs fi fi if [[ -x $(type -P fsck) ]]; then fsck_all fsck_reboot $? fi status "Remounting Root Read/Write" \ mount -n -o remount,rw / # don't touch /etc/mtab if it is a symlink to /proc/self/mounts if [[ -L /etc/mtab ]]; then : elif [[ -x $(type -P findmnt) && -e /proc/self/mountinfo ]]; then findmnt -rnu -o SOURCE,TARGET,FSTYPE,OPTIONS >| /etc/mtab else cat /proc/mounts >| /etc/mtab fi # now mount all the local filesystems mount_all # enable monitoring of lvm2 groups, now that the filesystems are mounted rw [[ $USELVM = [Yy][Ee][Ss] && -x $(type -P lvm) && -d /sys/block ]] && status "Activating monitoring of LVM2 groups" \ vgchange --monitor y >/dev/null status "Activating Swap" swapon -a [[ $TIMEZONE ]] && status "Configuring Time Zone" \ cp --remove-destination "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$TIMEZONE" /etc/localtime RANDOM_SEED=/var/lib/misc/random-seed [[ -f $RANDOM_SEED ]] && status "Initializing Random Seed" \ cat $RANDOM_SEED > /dev/urandom stat_busy "Removing Leftover Files" rm -rf /etc/{nologin,shutdownpid} /forcefsck /tmp/* /tmp/.* &>/dev/null [[ ! -L /var/lock ]] && rm -rf /var/lock/* [[ ! -L /var/run && -d /var/run ]] && find /var/run/ \! -type d -delete [[ ! -L /var/run && ! -L /var/run/daemons ]] && rm -rf /var/run/daemons && ln -s /run/daemons /var/run/daemons install -Tm 0664 -o root -g utmp <(:) /var/run/utmp # Keep {x,k,g}dm happy with xorg mkdir -m 1777 /tmp/.{X11,ICE}-unix stat_done [[ $HOSTNAME ]] && status "Setting Hostname: $HOSTNAME" \ eval 'echo "$HOSTNAME" > /proc/sys/kernel/hostname' # Flush old locale settings and set user defined locale status "Setting Locale: ${LOCALE:=en_US}" \ install -Tm 0755 <(echo "export LANG=$LOCALE") /etc/profile.d/locale.sh if [[ ${LOCALE,,} =~ utf ]]; then stat_busy "Setting Consoles to UTF-8 mode" # UTF-8 consoles are default since 2.6.24 kernel # this code is needed not only for older kernels, # but also when user has set vt.default_utf8=0 but LOCALE is *.UTF-8. for i in /dev/tty[0-9]*; do kbd_mode -u < ${i} printf "\e%%G" > ${i} done echo 1 > /sys/module/vt/parameters/default_utf8 stat_done else stat_busy "Setting Consoles to legacy mode" # make non-UTF-8 consoles work on 2.6.24 and newer kernels for i in /dev/tty[0-9]*; do kbd_mode -a < ${i} printf "\e%%@" > ${i} done echo 0 > /sys/module/vt/parameters/default_utf8 stat_done fi [[ $KEYMAP ]] && status "Loading Keyboard Map: $KEYMAP" loadkeys -q $KEYMAP # Set console font if required set_consolefont if [[ -e /proc/sys/kernel/dmesg_restrict ]] && (( $(< /proc/sys/kernel/dmesg_restrict) == 1 )); then install -Tm 0600 <( dmesg ) /var/log/dmesg.log else install -Tm 0644 <( dmesg ) /var/log/dmesg.log fi run_hook sysinit_end # End of file # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet: