#!/bin/bash # initscripts functions # # width: STAT_COL=80 if [[ ! -t 1 ]]; then USECOLOR="" elif [[ -t 0 ]]; then # stty will fail when stdin isn't a terminal STAT_COL="$(/bin/stty size)" # stty gives "rows cols"; strip the rows number, we just want columns STAT_COL="${STAT_COL##* }" elif /bin/tput cols &>/dev/null; then # is /usr/share/terminfo already mounted, and TERM recognized? STAT_COL=$(/bin/tput cols) fi if ((STAT_COL==0)); then # if output was 0 (serial console), set default width to 80 STAT_COL=80 USECOLOR="" fi # we use 13 characters for our own stuff STAT_COL=$(($STAT_COL - 13)) # disable colors on broken terminals TERM_COLORS="$(/bin/tput colors 2>/dev/null)" if (($? != 3)); then case $TERM_COLORS in *[!0-9]*) USECOLOR="";; [0-7]) USECOLOR="";; '') USECOLOR="";; esac fi unset TERM_COLORS # clear the TZ envvar, so daemons always respect /etc/localtime unset TZ # colors: if [[ $USECOLOR = YES || $USECOLOR = yes ]]; then C_MAIN="\033[1;37;40m" # main text C_OTHER="\033[1;34;40m" # prefix & brackets C_SEPARATOR="\033[1;30;40m" # separator C_BUSY="\033[0;36;40m" # busy C_FAIL="\033[1;31;40m" # failed C_DONE="\033[1;37;40m" # completed C_BKGD="\033[1;35;40m" # backgrounded C_H1="\033[1;37;40m" # highlight text 1 C_H2="\033[1;36;40m" # highlight text 2 C_CLEAR="\033[1;0m" fi if [[ -t 1 ]]; then SAVE_POSITION="\033[s" RESTORE_POSITION="\033[u" DEL_TEXT="\033[$(($STAT_COL+4))G" else SAVE_POSITION="" RESTORE_POSITION="" DEL_TEXT="" fi # prefixes: PREFIX_REG="::" PREFIX_HL=" >" # functions: deltext() { printf "${DEL_TEXT}" } printhl() { printf "${C_OTHER}${PREFIX_HL} ${C_H1}${1}${C_CLEAR} \n" } printsep() { printf "\n${C_SEPARATOR} ------------------------------\n" } stat_bkgd() { printf "${C_OTHER}${PREFIX_REG} ${C_MAIN}${1}${C_CLEAR} " deltext printf " ${C_OTHER}[${C_BKGD}BKGD${C_OTHER}]${C_CLEAR} " } stat_busy() { printf "${C_OTHER}${PREFIX_REG} ${C_MAIN}${1}${C_CLEAR} " printf "${SAVE_POSITION}" deltext printf " ${C_OTHER}[${C_BUSY}BUSY${C_OTHER}]${C_CLEAR} " } stat_append() { printf "${RESTORE_POSITION}" printf -- "${C_MAIN}${1}${C_CLEAR}" printf "${SAVE_POSITION}" } stat_done() { deltext printf " ${C_OTHER}[${C_DONE}DONE${C_OTHER}]${C_CLEAR} \n" } stat_fail() { deltext printf " ${C_OTHER}[${C_FAIL}FAIL${C_OTHER}]${C_CLEAR} \n" } stat_die() { stat_fail exit ${1:-1} } status() { stat_busy "$1" shift $* >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then stat_done return 0 else stat_fail return 1 fi } # usage : in_array( $needle, $haystack ) # return : 0 - found # 1 - not found # Copied from makepkg in_array() { local needle=$1; shift [ -z "$1" ] && return 1 # Not Found local item for item in "$@"; do local c="${item:0:1}" if [ "x$c" = "x@" ]; then item="${item:1}" fi [ "$item" = "$needle" ] && return 0 # Found done return 1 # Not Found } # daemons: add_daemon() { [[ -d /var/run/daemons ]] || /bin/mkdir -p /var/run/daemons > /var/run/daemons/"$1" } rm_daemon() { /bin/rm -f /var/run/daemons/"$1" } ck_daemon() { [[ ! -f /var/run/daemons/$1 ]] } have_daemon() { [[ -x /etc/rc.d/$1 ]] } start_daemon() { have_daemon "$1" && /etc/rc.d/"$1" start } ck_depends() { for daemon in "$@"; do ck_daemon "$daemon" && start_daemon "$daemon" done } start_daemon_bkgd() { stat_bkgd "Starting $1" have_daemon "$1" && (start_daemon "$1") &>/dev/null & } stop_daemon() { have_daemon "$1" && /etc/rc.d/"$1" stop } # Status functions status_started() { deltext echo -ne "$C_OTHER[${C_STRT}STARTED$C_OTHER]$C_CLEAR " } status_stopped() { deltext echo -ne "$C_OTHER[${C_STRT}STOPPED$C_OTHER]$C_CLEAR " } ck_status() { if ! ck_daemon "$1"; then status_started else status_stopped fi } ############################### # Custom hooks in initscripts # ############################### # Hooks can be used to include custom code in various places in the rc.* scripts # # Define a hook function in a functions.d file using: # function_name() { # ... # } # add_hook hook_name function_name # It is allowed to register several hook functions for the same hook # Is is also allowed to register the same hook function for several hooks # # Currently, the following hooks exist: # sysinit_start: at the beginning of rc.sysinit # multi_start: at the beginning of rc.multi # single_start: at the beginning of rc.single # shutdown_start: at the beginning of rc.shutdown # sysinit_end: at the end of rc.sysinit # multi_end: at the end of rc.multi # single_end: at the end of rc.single # sysinit_udevlaunched: after udev has been launched in rc.sysinit # single_udevlaunched: after udev has been launched in rc.single # sysinit_udevsettled: after uevents have settled in rc.sysinit # single_udevsettled: after uevents have settled in rc.single # sysinit_premount: before local filesystems are mounted, but after root is mounted read-write in rc.sysinit # shutdown_prekillall: before all processes are being killed in rc.shutdown # single_prekillall: before all processes are being killed in rc.single # shutdown_postkillall: after all processes have been killed in rc.shutdown # single_postkillall: after all processes have been killed in rc.single # shutdown_poweroff: directly before powering off in rc.shutdown # # Make sure to never override the add_hook and run_hook functions via functions.d declare -A hook_funcs add_hook() { [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ] && return 1 hook_funcs["$1"]="${hook_funcs["$1"]} $2" } run_hook() { local func [ -z "$1" ] && return 1 for func in ${hook_funcs["$1"]}; do ${func} done } # Function for setting console font if required set_consolefont() { if [ -n "$CONSOLEFONT" ]; then stat_busy "Loading Console Font: $CONSOLEFONT" #CONSOLEMAP in UTF-8 shouldn't be used if [ -n "$CONSOLEMAP" ] && echo "$LOCALE" | /bin/grep -qi utf ; then CONSOLEMAP="" fi for i in /dev/tty[0-9]*; do if [ -n "$CONSOLEMAP" ]; then /usr/bin/setfont -m $CONSOLEMAP $CONSOLEFONT -C ${i} >/dev/null 2>&1 else /usr/bin/setfont $CONSOLEFONT -C ${i} >/dev/null 2>&1 fi done if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then stat_fail else if [ -n "$CONSOLEMAP" ]; then echo 'if [ "$CONSOLE" = "" -a "$TERM" = "linux" -a -t 1 ]; then printf "\033(K"; fi' >>/etc/profile.d/locale.sh fi stat_done fi fi } # Source additional functions at the end to allow overrides for f in /etc/rc.d/functions.d/*; do if [ -e $f ]; then . $f fi done # End of file # vim: set ft=sh sw=2 ts=2 et: