#!/bin/sh # # anrxc's X.org init file on Arch GNU/Linux # {{{ Environment settings errorlog="${HOME}/.xerrors" gnupglog="${HOME}/.gnupg/gpg-agent.info" # Export KDE styles to QT export QT_PLUGIN_PATH="${HOME}/.kde4/lib/kde4/plugins/:/usr/lib/kde4/plugins/" # }}} # {{{ Log settings # # Always start X11 with a clean log file if (cp /dev/null "${errorlog}"); then chmod 600 "${errorlog}" exec >"${errorlog}" 2>&1 break fi # }}} # {{{ Display settings # # Ignore reported display size and force DPI #xrandr --dpi 96 # Force LVDS as the primary screen #xrandr --output LVDS1 --primary # Brightness level xbacklight -set 00 # }}} # {{{ Resource and keymap settings usermodmap="${HOME}/.Xmodmap" userresources="${HOME}/.Xresources" sysmodmap="/etc/X11/xinit/.Xmodmap" sysresources="/etc/X11/xinit/.Xresources" # Merge system and user resources and keymaps [[ -r "${sysresources}" ]] && xrdb -merge "${sysresources}" [[ -r "${sysmodmap}" ]] && xmodmap "${sysmodmap}" [[ -r "${userresources}" ]] && xrdb -merge "${userresources}" [[ -r "${usermodmap}" ]] && xmodmap "${usermodmap}" # }}} # {{{ Input settings # # Keyboard control, repeat delay and repeat rate xset r rate 200 30 # Pointer control, acceleration and threshold #xset m 30/10 4 # Pointer appearance # - xcb does not support Xcursor yet xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr # Disable the touchpad while typing #syndaemon -k -i 2 -d & # }}} # {{{ Autostart settings # # Start the GnuPG agent and enable OpenSSH agent emulation if (pgrep -u "${USER}" gpg-agent); then eval `cat ${gnupglog}` eval `cut -d= -f1 ${gnupglog} | xargs echo export` else eval `gpg-agent --enable-ssh-support --daemon` fi # Start the GNU Emacs daemon #[[ ! -r "/tmp/emacs${UID}/server" ]] && emacs --daemon & # - disable the socket logic, Gtk+ bug crashes emacs, leaves the socket # - http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85715 emacs --daemon & # Xwrits reminds you to take wrist breaks and avoid RSI xwrits typetime=45 clock breakclock top ready-picture="${HOME}/.xwrits/ready.gif" \ rest-picture="${HOME}/.xwrits/rest.gif" warning-picture="${HOME}/.xwrits/warning.gif" & # Open a terminal emulator on the first tag # - resume the old screen session or start a new one urxvt -e screen -l -UDRS term & # Play a startup sound ogg123 -q "${HOME}/.local/share/gajim/sounds/voices/voice-system-activated.ogg" & # }}} # {{{ Window manager selection case "$WM" in failsafe|twm) exec twm ;; fvwm) exec fvwm2 ;; kde) exec startkde ;; debug) exec valgrind -v "$1" ;; *) exec awesome ;; esac # }}}