--------------------------------------------------- -- Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2 -- * (c) 2010, Adrian C. -- * (c) 2009, Rémy C. -- * (c) 2009, Benedikt Sauer -- * (c) 2009, Henning Glawe -- * (c) 2009, Lucas de Vries --------------------------------------------------- -- {{{ Grab environment local pairs = pairs local rawget = rawget local require = require local tonumber = tonumber local io = { open = io.open } local setmetatable = setmetatable local getmetatable = getmetatable local string = { upper = string.upper, format = string.format } -- }}} -- Helpers: provides helper functions for vicious widgets -- vicious.helpers local helpers = {} -- {{{ Variable definitions local scroller = {} -- }}} -- {{{ Helper functions -- {{{ Loader of vicious modules function helpers.wrequire(table, key) local module = rawget(table, key) return module or require(table._NAME .. "." .. key) end -- }}} -- {{{ Expose path as a Lua table function helpers.pathtotable(dir) return setmetatable({ _path = dir }, { __index = function(table, index) local path = table._path .. '/' .. index local f = io.open(path) if f then local s = f:read("*all") f:close() if s then return s else local o = { _path = path } setmetatable(o, getmetatable(table)) return o end end end }) end -- }}} -- {{{ Format a string with args function helpers.format(format, args) for var, val in pairs(args) do format = format:gsub("$" .. (tonumber(var) and var or var:gsub("[-+?*]", function(i) return "%"..i end)), val) end return format end -- }}} -- {{{ Format units to one decimal point function helpers.uformat(array, key, value, unit) for u, v in pairs(unit) do array["{"..key.."_"..u.."}"] = string.format("%.1f", value/v) end return array end -- }}} -- {{{ Escape a string function helpers.escape(text) local xml_entities = { ["\""] = """, ["&"] = "&", ["'"] = "'", ["<"] = "<", [">"] = ">" } return text and text:gsub("[\"&'<>]", xml_entities) end -- }}} -- {{{ Escape a string for save usage on the command line function helpers.shellquote(s) if s == nil then return "" end -- use single quotes, and put single quotes into double quotes -- the string $'b is then quoted as '$'"'"'b'"'"' return "'" .. s:gsub("'", "'\"'\"'") .. "'" end -- }}} -- {{{ Capitalize a string function helpers.capitalize(text) return text and text:gsub("([%w])([%w]*)", function(c, s) return string.upper(c) .. s end) end -- }}} -- {{{ Truncate a string function helpers.truncate(text, maxlen) local txtlen = text:len() if txtlen > maxlen then text = text:sub(1, maxlen - 3) .. "..." end return text end -- }}} -- {{{ Scroll through a string function helpers.scroll(text, maxlen, widget) if not scroller[widget] then scroller[widget] = { i = 1, d = true } end local txtlen = text:len() local state = scroller[widget] if txtlen > maxlen then if state.d then text = text:sub(state.i, state.i + maxlen) .. "..." state.i = state.i + 3 if maxlen + state.i >= txtlen then state.d = false end else text = "..." .. text:sub(state.i, state.i + maxlen) state.i = state.i - 3 if state.i <= 1 then state.d = true end end end return text end -- }}} return helpers -- }}}