--------------------------------------------------- -- Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2 -- * (c) 2010, Boris Bolgradov <> -- -- This widget type depends on luasocket. -- -- Widget arguments are host, port, username and -- password, i.e.: -- {"mail.myhost.com", 110, "John", "132435"} --------------------------------------------------- -- {{{ Grab environment local setmetatable = setmetatable local socket = require("socket") local tonumber = tonumber -- }}} -- POP: provides the count of new messages in a POP3 mailbox module("vicious.contrib.pop") -- {{{ POP3 count widget type local function worker(format, warg) if not warg or #warg ~= 4 then return {"N/A"} end local host, port = warg[1], tonumber(warg[2]) local user, pass = warg[3], warg[4] local client = socket.tcp() client:settimeout(3) client:connect(host, port) client:receive("*l") client:send("USER " .. user .. "\r\n") client:receive("*l") client:send("PASS " .. pass .. "\r\n") client:receive("*l") client:send("STAT" .. "\r\n") local response = client:receive("*l") client:close() if response:find("%+OK") then response = response:match("%+OK (%d+)") end return {response} end -- }}} setmetatable(_M, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })