From 43a1bc3094d1d8da0a2b2cedcf98cda6f450e00c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Adrian C. (anrxc)" Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 13:13:14 +0200 Subject: Initial import of dotfiles --- zshrc | 379 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 379 insertions(+) create mode 100644 zshrc (limited to 'zshrc') diff --git a/zshrc b/zshrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..211c722 --- /dev/null +++ b/zshrc @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ +# -*- shell-script -*- +# +# anrxc's init file for Z-SHELL 4.3.10 on Arch GNU/Linux. + + +# {{{ User settings + +# {{{ Environment +export PATH=$PATH:~/code/bin +export HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history +export HISTSIZE=50000 +export SAVEHIST=50000 +export LESSHISTFILE="-" +export PAGER="less" +export EDITOR="emacsclient" +export VISUAL="emacsclient" +export BROWSER="firefox" +export XTERM="urxvt" +# }}} + +# {{{ Mail settings +export MAIL=~/mail/Inbox +export MAILCHECK=300 +export GPGKEY="0xD20A0618" +# }}} + +# {{{ Compiler flags +#export CHOST="i686-pc-linux-gnu" +#export CFLAGS="-O2 -march=athlon-xp -mcpu=i686 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" +#export CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" +# }}} + +# {{{ Dircolors +# - with rxvt-256color support +eval `dircolors -b ~/.dir_colors` +# }}} + +# {{{ Manual pages +# - colorize, since man-db fails to do so +export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[01;31m' # begin blinking +export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[01;31m' # begin bold +export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m' # end mode +export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[0m' # end standout-mode +export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[1;33;40m' # begin standout-mode - info box +export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m' # end underline +export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[1;32m' # begin underline +# }}} + +# {{{ Aliases + +# {{{ Main +alias ..='cd ..' +alias ...='cd ../..' +alias ls='ls -aF --color=always' +alias ll='ls -l' +alias lfi="ls -l | egrep -v '^d'" +alias ldi="ls -l | egrep '^d'" +alias lst="ls -htl | grep $(date +%Y-%m-%d)" +alias grep='grep --color=always' +alias cp='cp -ia' +alias mv='mv -i' +alias rm='rm -i' +alias cls='clear' +alias upmem='ps -aux | sort -k 6' +alias top='htop' +alias psg='ps auxw | grep -i ' +alias psptree='ps auxwwwf' +alias df='df -hT' +alias du='du -hc' +alias dus='du -S | sort -n' +alias free='free -m' +alias su='su - ' +alias x='startx' +alias rehash='hash -r' +alias eject='eject -v ' +alias retract='eject -t -v ' +alias vuser='fuser -v ' +alias ping='ping -c 5' +alias more='less' +alias mc='. /usr/share/mc/bin/ -x' +alias links='links ~/.links/startpage.html' +alias lynx='\links ~/.links/startpage.html' +alias sripper='~/code/bash/' +alias cplay='cplay -v' +alias xtr='extract' +alias screen='screen -U -l' +alias scr='screen -r' +alias scd='screen -rd' +alias sat='date +%R' +alias bat='acpitool -b' +alias calc='bc -l <<<' +alias iodrag='ionice -c3 nice -n19' +alias spell='aspell -a <<< ' +alias d2u='sed "s/.$//"' +alias u2d='sed "s/$/`echo r`/"' +alias ec='emacsclient -a emacs -n ' +alias ect='emacsclient -a emacs -t ' +alias gpgd='gpg --decrypt' +alias gpge='gpg -ear anrxc' +alias keyshare='synergys -f --config /etc/synergy.conf' +alias xpop='xprop | grep --color=none "WM_WINDOW_ROLE\|WM_CLASS" | xmessage -file -' +# }}} + +# {{{ Pacman +alias pacup='sudo pacman -Syu' # Sync, Update & Upgrade +alias pacsy='sudo pacman -Sy' # Sync & Update +alias paclu='pacman -Qu' # List upgradeable +alias pacin='sudo pacman -S' # Install a specific package +alias pacnd='sudo pacman -Sd' # Install a package but ignore deps +alias pacrm='sudo pacman -Rns' # Remove a specific package +alias pacrd='sudo pacman -Rd' # Remove a package but ignore deps +alias pacss='pacman -Ss' # Search for a package +alias pacsl='pacman -Qs' # Search for a package localy +alias pacsi='pacman -Si' # Package info +alias pacqi='pacman -Qi' # Package local info +alias pacls='pacman -Ql' # List files in a package +alias pacui='pacman -Qm' # List localy built packages +alias pacfi='pacman -Qo' # Which package file belongs to +alias paccl='sudo pacman -Scc' # Fully clean the package cache +alias pacdl='sudo pacman -Sw' # Download a package without installing +alias paclo='pacman -Qdt' # List package orphans +alias paclog='pacman -Qc' # Package changelog +# }}} + +# {{{ Slurpy +alias aurup='slurpy -c -u -d' # Sync, Update & Download +alias aurlu='slurpy -c -u' # Update & List upgradeable +alias aurss='slurpy -c -s' # Search for a package +alias aursi='slurpy -c -i' # Package info +alias aurdl='slurpy -c -d' # Download a package without installing +# }}} + +# {{{ Swaret +alias swup='sudo swaret --update --upgrade' # Sync, Update & Upgrade +alias swsy='sudo swaret --update' # Sync & Update +alias swlu='sudo swaret --list -u' # List upgradeable +alias swin='sudo swaret --install' # Install a specific package +alias swrm='sudo swaret --remove' # Remove a specific package +alias swss='sudo swaret --search' # Search for a package +swsl() { sudo swaret --search $1 -i } # Search for a package localy +swsi() { sudo swaret --show $1 -p } # Package info +swqi() { sudo swaret --show $1 -i } # Package local info +swls() { less "$(locate /var/log/packages/$1)" } # List files in a package +swfi() { grep $1 /var/log/packages/* } # Which package file belongs to +alias swui='sudo swaret --search aic -i' # List localy built packages +alias swcl='sudo swaret --purge' # Fully clean the package cache +alias swdl='sudo swaret --get' # Download a package without installing +alias swlog='sudo swaret --changelog' # Package changelog +# }}} +# }}} + +# {{{ Completion +compctl -k '(add delete draft edit list import preview publish update)' nb +# }}} + +# {{{ Functions +function yn () { $BROWSER "$*" } +function pmem () { ps -o rss,comm -p $(pgrep $1) } +function dsync () { rsync -lprt --progress --stats --delete "$1/" "$2/" } + +function define () { + dictionary="english" + [[ "$2" != "" ]] && dictionary=$2 + echo "DEFINE $dictionary $1\nQUIT" | netcat 2628 +} + +function scrot () { + if [[ -z $1 ]]; then + print -P "Usage: scrot [basename] [format]" + print -P "Take a desktop screenshot and generate a thumbnail." + else + if [ $2 ]; then + format=$2 + else + format=png + fi + timestamp=`date +%d%m%y-%H%M` + echo "Taking a screenshot..." + import -window root -quality 100 ~/$1-$timestamp.$format + echo "Generating a thumbnail..." + cp ~/$1-$timestamp.$format ~/$1-$$format + mogrify -resize 15% ~/$1-$$format + echo "Saved as ~/$1-$timestamp.$format" + fi +} + +function extract () { + if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then + print -P "Usage: extract filename" + print -P "Extract a given file based on the extension." + elif [[ -f "$1" ]]; then + case "$1" in + *.tbz2 | *.tar.bz2) tar -xvjf "$1" ;; + *.txz | *.tar.xz) tar -xvJf "$1" ;; + *.tgz | *.tar.gz) tar -xvzf "$1" ;; + *.tar | *.cbt) tar -xvf "$1" ;; + *.zip | *.cbz) unzip "$1" ;; + *.rar | *.cbr) unrar x "$1" ;; + *.arj) unarj x "$1" ;; + *.ace) unace x "$1" ;; + *.bz2) bunzip2 "$1" ;; + *.xz) unxz "$1" ;; + *.gz) gunzip "$1" ;; + *.7z) 7z x "$1" ;; + *.Z) uncompress "$1" ;; + *.gpg) gpg -d "$1" | tar -xvzf - ;; + *) echo "Error: failed to extract '$1'" ;; + esac + else + echo "Error: '$1' is not a valid file for extraction" + fi +} +# }}} +# }}} + + +# {{{ ZSH settings +setopt emacs +setopt nohup +setopt autocd +setopt cdablevars +setopt ignoreeof +setopt nobgnice +setopt nobanghist +setopt noclobber +setopt shwordsplit +#setopt mailwarning +setopt interactivecomments +setopt autopushd pushdminus pushdsilent pushdtohome +setopt histreduceblanks histignorespace inc_append_history +# +# new style completion system +autoload -U compinit; compinit +# list of completers to use +zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _match _approximate +# allow approximate +zstyle ':completion:*:match:*' original only +zstyle ':completion:*:approximate:*' max-errors 1 numeric +# selection prompt as menu +zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=1 +# menuselection for pid completion +zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*' menu yes select +zstyle ':completion:*:kill:*' force-list always +zstyle ':completion:*:processes' command 'ps -au$USER' +zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes' list-colors '=(#b) #([0-9]#)*=0=01;32' +# cd don't select parent dir +zstyle ':completion:*:cd:*' ignore-parents parent pwd +# complete with colors +zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors '' +# }}} + + +# {{{ Prompt settings +function precmd { + ### + # terminal width to one less than the actual width for lineup + local TERMWIDTH + (( TERMWIDTH = ${COLUMNS} - 1 )) + ### + # truncate the path if it's too long + PR_FILLBAR="" + PR_PWDLEN="" + local promptsize=${#${(%):---(%n@%m:%l)---()--}} + local pwdsize=${#${(%):-%~}} + if [[ "$promptsize + $pwdsize" -gt $TERMWIDTH ]]; then + ((PR_PWDLEN=$TERMWIDTH - $promptsize)) + else + PR_FILLBAR="\${(l.(($TERMWIDTH - ($promptsize + $pwdsize)))..${PR_HBAR}.)}" + fi +} +### +# set the window title in screen to the currently running program +setopt extended_glob +function preexec () { + if [[ "$TERM" == "screen" ]]; then + local CMD=${1[(wr)^(*=*|sudo|-*)]} + echo -n "\ek$CMD\e\\" + fi +} +function setprompt () { + ### + # need this so the prompt will work + setopt prompt_subst + ### + # try to use colors + autoload colors zsh/terminfo + if [[ "$terminfo[colors]" -ge 8 ]]; then + colors + fi + for color in RED GREEN YELLOW BLUE MAGENTA CYAN WHITE; do + eval PR_$color='%{$terminfo[bold]$fg[${(L)color}]%}' + eval PR_LIGHT_$color='%{$fg[${(L)color}]%}' + (( count = $count + 1 )) + done + PR_NO_COLOUR="%{$terminfo[sgr0]%}" + ### + # try to use extended characters to look nicer + typeset -A altchar + set -A altchar ${(s..)terminfo[acsc]} + PR_SET_CHARSET="%{$terminfo[enacs]%}" + PR_SHIFT_IN="%{$terminfo[smacs]%}" + PR_SHIFT_OUT="%{$terminfo[rmacs]%}" + PR_HBAR=${altchar[q]:--} + PR_ULCORNER=${altchar[l]:--} + PR_LLCORNER=${altchar[m]:--} + PR_LRCORNER=${altchar[j]:--} + PR_URCORNER=${altchar[k]:--} + ### + # set titlebar text on a terminal emulator + case $TERM in + rxvt*) + PR_TITLEBAR=$'%{\e]0;%(!.*ROOT* | .)%n@%m:%~ | ${COLUMNS}x${LINES} | %y\a%}' + ;; + screen) + PR_TITLEBAR=$'%{\e_screen \005 (\005t) | %(!.*ROOT* |.)%n@%m:%~ | ${COLUMNS}x${LINES} | %y\e\\%}' + ;; + *) + PR_TITLEBAR='' + ;; + esac + ### + # Linux console and Emacs ansi-term get simpler prompts, the rest have: + # - (user@hostname:tty)--($PWD) and an exit code of the last command + # - right hand prompt which makes room if the command line grows past it + # - PS2 continuation prompt to match PS1 in color + case $TERM in + dumb) + unsetopt zle + PROMPT='%n@%m:%~%% ' + ;; + eterm-color) + PROMPT='$PR_YELLOW%n$PR_WHITE:%~$PR_NO_COLOUR%% ' + ;; + linux) + # zenburn for the Linux console + echo -en "\e]P01e2320" #zen-black (norm. black) + echo -en "\e]P8709080" #zen-bright-black (norm. darkgrey) + echo -en "\e]P1705050" #zen-red (norm. darkred) + echo -en "\e]P9dca3a3" #zen-bright-red (norm. red) + echo -en "\e]P260b48a" #zen-green (norm. darkgreen) + echo -en "\e]PAc3bf9f" #zen-bright-green (norm. green) + echo -en "\e]P3dfaf8f" #zen-yellow (norm. brown) + echo -en "\e]PBf0dfaf" #zen-bright-yellow (norm. yellow) + echo -en "\e]P4506070" #zen-blue (norm. darkblue) + echo -en "\e]PC94bff3" #zen-bright-blue (norm. blue) + echo -en "\e]P5dc8cc3" #zen-purple (norm. darkmagenta) + echo -en "\e]PDec93d3" #zen-bright-purple (norm. magenta) + echo -en "\e]P68cd0d3" #zen-cyan (norm. darkcyan) + echo -en "\e]PE93e0e3" #zen-bright-cyan (norm. cyan) + echo -en "\e]P7dcdccc" #zen-white (norm. lightgrey) + echo -en "\e]PFffffff" #zen-bright-white (norm. white) + # avoid 'artefacts' + #clear + # + PROMPT='$PR_GREEN%n@%m$PR_WHITE:$PR_YELLOW%l$PR_WHITE:$PR_RED%~$PR_YELLOW%%$PR_NO_COLOUR ' + ;; + *) + PROMPT='$PR_SET_CHARSET$PR_STITLE${(e)PR_TITLEBAR}\ +$PR_GREEN$PR_SHIFT_IN$PR_ULCORNER$PR_GREEN$PR_HBAR$PR_SHIFT_OUT(\ +$PR_GREEN%(!.%SROOT%s.%n)$PR_GREEN@%m$PR_WHITE:$PR_YELLOW%l\ +$PR_GREEN)$PR_SHIFT_IN$PR_HBAR$PR_GREEN$PR_HBAR${(e)PR_FILLBAR}$PR_GREEN$PR_HBAR$PR_SHIFT_OUT(\ +$PR_RED%$PR_PWDLEN<...<%~%<<$PR_GREEN)$PR_SHIFT_IN$PR_HBAR$PR_GREEN$PR_URCORNER$PR_SHIFT_OUT\ + +$PR_GREEN$PR_SHIFT_IN$PR_LLCORNER$PR_GREEN$PR_HBAR$PR_SHIFT_OUT(\ +%(?..$PR_RED%?$PR_WHITE:)%(!.$PR_RED.$PR_YELLOW)%#$PR_GREEN)$PR_NO_COLOUR ' + + RPROMPT=' $PR_GREEN$PR_SHIFT_IN$PR_HBAR$PR_GREEN$PR_LRCORNER$PR_SHIFT_OUT$PR_NO_COLOUR' + + PS2='$PR_GREEN$PR_SHIFT_IN$PR_HBAR$PR_SHIFT_OUT\ +$PR_GREEN$PR_SHIFT_IN$PR_HBAR$PR_SHIFT_OUT(\ +$PR_YELLOW%_$PR_GREEN)$PR_SHIFT_IN$PR_HBAR$PR_SHIFT_OUT\ +$PR_GREEN$PR_SHIFT_IN$PR_HBAR$PR_SHIFT_OUT$PR_NO_COLOUR ' + ;; + esac +} + +# Prompt init +setprompt +# }}} -- cgit v1.2.3