---------------------------------------------------- -- On Screen Keyboard for the awesome window manager ---------------------------------------------------- -- Coded by: farhaven -- Hacked by: Adrian C. -- Licensed under the WTFPL version 2 -- * http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING ---------------------------------------------------- -- To use this module add: -- require("osk") -- to your rc.lua, and call it from a keybinding: -- osk(position, screen) -- -- Parameters: -- position - optional, "bottom" by default -- screen - optional, screen.count() by default ---------------------------------------------------- -- Grab environment local util = require("awful.util") local wibox = require("awful.wibox") local button = require("awful.button") local layout = require("awful.widget.layout") local table = table local ipairs = ipairs local tostring = tostring local setmetatable = setmetatable local capi = { widget = widget, screen = screen, fake_input = root.fake_input } -- OSK: On Screen Keyboard for the awesome window manager module("osk") -- Variable definitions local kbd = {} kbd.codes = { q=24, w=25, e=26, r=27, t=28, z=52, u=30, i=31, o=32, p=33, ["."]=60, a=38, s=39, d=40, f=41, g=42, h=43, j=44, k=45, l=46, Caps=66, y=29, x=53, c=54, v=55, b=56, n=57, m=58, Spc=65, Ret=36, Del=22, } -- Create a chain of key widgets for an OSK row local function create_button_row(...) local widgets = { layout = layout.horizontal.flex } for _, i in ipairs(arg) do local w = capi.widget({ type = "textbox" }) w:margin({ top = 10, left = 10, right = 10, bottom = 10 }) w.border_width = 1 w.text_align = "center" w.border_color = "#1E2320" w.text = util.escape(tostring(i)) w:buttons(util.table.join( button({ }, 1, nil, function () capi.fake_input("key_press", kbd.codes[i]) capi.fake_input("key_release", kbd.codes[i]) end) )) table.insert(widgets, w) end return widgets end -- Create a wibox holding OSK rows and toggle its visibility setmetatable(_M, { __call = function (_, pos, scr) if not kbd.init then kbd.box = wibox({ height = 100, position = pos or "bottom", screen = scr or capi.screen.count(), fg = "#F0DFAF", bg = "#4F4F4F", widgets = { { create_button_row("q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "z", "u", "i", "o", "p", ".") }, { create_button_row("a", "s", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l") }, { create_button_row("Caps", "y", "x", "c", "v", "b", "n", "m", "Spc", "Ret", "Del") }, layout = layout.vertical.flex } }) kbd.init = true kbd.box.visible = false end kbd.box.visible = not kbd.box.visible end })